Knowing God as Father
There is nothing more important in life than knowing God as our Father.
I recently read a small quote on social media that contrasted a religious understanding of God as our Father with that of true Christianity.
Religion says: “I have messed up. My dad is going to kill me.”
Christianity says: “I have messed up. I need to call my dad.”
This quote reflects our different reactions to the idea that God is our Father. For many, God is someone who must be kept at arm’s length. Someone we are unsure of, or even someone to be feared.
Understandably, we feel this way because we get our understanding of God from our earthly fathers and how they treated us. And if they have let us down, this leaves us with a marred view of our Father in heaven.
Regardless of your experiences with your earthly father, I invite you on a journey to discover what our heavenly Father is like. Not what we might imagine Him to be based on our experiences, hurts or fears, but grounded on the revelation He has given of Himself in His word.
Let me assure you this is a safe journey. One that I pray will touch your heart as we see who the Father really is and discover His love for us.
Download your free copy here.
My passion is that you discover the heart of the Father and so I have made this resource available free of charge but if you would like to support this vision please consider making a donation.